Nebula products can be found in dispensaries throughout Arizona!
It all begins with a sound recipe and quality ingredients.
At Nebula we strive to provide our enjoyers with an excellent experience starting from the inside out. We knew the struggles people continually faced when consuming edibles and made every effort to use ingredients better made for and absorbed by your body.
Our Nectars come in two sizes found best suited for both Medical and Recreational use!
*4OZ 500MG
*1OZ 100MG
Current Flavors:
*4OZ 500MG
TigersBlood, Bluerazz, Pure (Unflavored), and Vanilla
*1OZ 100MG
TigersBlood, Bluerazz, LemonLime, Guava, Pure (Unflavored), Sour Apple, Wild Strawberry, Vanilla, Berry Punch, Cactus Cooler, Caramel Macchiato, Jungle Juice, and White Peach